Where Does the Last Name Osborne Come From

Ответы 7-8 класс Международный конкурс по английскому языку «Британский Бульдог» 2021-2022. «British Bulldog» ответы на все вопросы и задания. Вот и пришло время пополнить рубрику «Образование», которая уже покрылась плесенью, ведь 15 декабря 2021 года стартует Международный конкурс по английскому языку «Британский Бульдог». Ниже можно ознакомиться с вопросами и ответами для учащихся 7-8 классов за 2021-2022 учебный год. Также в этой же рубрике можно будет найти и ответы на вопросы для учащихся других классов.

15 декабря 2021 года состоится XV международный игровой конкурс по английскому языку «British Bulldog». Конкурсные задания ориентированы на участников с разным уровнем подготовки и способствуют развитию интереса к языку и культуре англоязычных стран.


«Британский Бульдог» 7-8 класс 2021-2022 – Ответы

Уважаемые посетители и читатели Спринт-Ответа. Если вы заметили ошибки, напишите об этом в комментарии!

Take heed to dialogue and find the right answer

1) Who visits the female child?

  • A) David
  • B) Jim
  • C) Susan
  • D) Tom

Спринт-Ответ: A

2) What does she offer the visitor?

  • A) Tea
  • B) Milk
  • C) Coffee
  • D) Sweet talker

Спринт-Ответ: C

3) Who is the last to agree along the plan of the route?

  • A) David
  • B) Jim
  • C) Susan
  • D) Tom

Спринт-Ответ: A

4) What was Saint David intrusive with?

  • A) Writing poems
  • B) Preparing for exams
  • C) Composition a dissertation
  • D) Revising the rules

Спринт-Ответ: C

5) What is marked on the map out?

  • A) Hospitals
  • B) Sights
  • C) Airports
  • D) Law stations

Спринт-Ответ: B

6) When are they going to be in Paris? On the …

  • A) 22nd
  • B) 23rd
  • C) 24th
  • D) 25th

Спринт-Ответ: D

7) How are they going to rile City of Light?

  • A) By car
  • B) Aside passenger vehicl
  • C) By plane
  • D) By train

Спринт-Ответ: D

8) Why have they engaged a wagon-lit?

  • A) It is the cheapest
  • B) They would like to sit up all night
  • C) They didn't want to sleep
  • D) They want to have a good sleep

Спринт-Ответ: D

9) Why don't they wishing to have meals in restaurants?

  • A) The food isn't gingery
  • B) The service is bad
  • C) So they can save money
  • D) So they can save time

Спринт-Ответ: C

10) Why will information technology exist good to stay in a lodge, in their opinion? They could …

  • A) walk a lot
  • B) enjoy the scenery
  • C) watch Tv set
  • D) cook their own food for thought

Спринт-Ответ: D

Say the text and do the questions

The Equator passes through the land of eleven countries of the reality, such as Kenya, Republic of Indonesia, Brazil so on. Republic of Bolivia is closer the Equator than Greece, but Greece is nearer the Equator than Denmark. The countries on the Equator mostly have tropical rainforest or an equatorial clime. Places closer the Equator are hotter, and average annual rainfall is quite spiky. But why? The Equatordivides the planet into a Northern Hemisphere and a Grey Cerebral hemisphere. It is halfway between theNorth Perch and the South Perch. The Earth is widest at its Equator. The heat comes from the Sun. The heat is the same at the Equator and at the Poles. But near the Poles the heat covers a larger areathan at the Equator. Thus at the Poles each plaza gets less passion and IT is colder. That's why places farther from the Equator are colder.

11) Which of the listed countries is the nearest to the Equator?

  • A) Kingdom of Denmark
  • B) Greece
  • C) Bolivia
  • D) Russian Soviet Federated Socialist Republic

Спринт-Ответ: C

12) How many countries does the Equator go through?

  • A) 3
  • B) 5
  • C) 8
  • D) 11

Спринт-Ответ: D

13) Which country mentioned in the text does the Equator not run through?

  • A) Brazil
  • B) Kenya
  • C) Greece
  • D) Indonesia

Спринт-Ответ: C

14) What is typical for the most of the countries on the Equator?

  • A) Taiga
  • B) Glacier
  • C) Steppe
  • D) Parallel rainforest

Спринт-Ответ: D

15) What about the places nearer the Equator? They are …

  • A) colder
  • B) chillier
  • C) hotter
  • D) cooler

Спринт-Ответ: C

16) How many parts does the Equator fraction our Terra firma into?

  • A) One
  • B) Two
  • C) Three
  • D) Tetrad

Спринт-Ответ: B

17) Where is the Earth widest?

  • A) At the North Pole
  • B) At the Greenwich Meridian
  • C) At the South Ro
  • D) At the Equator

Спринт-Ответ: D

18) Where does the heat up come from? From the …

  • A) stars
  • B) Moon
  • C) Sun
  • D) clouds

Спринт-Ответ: C

19) Is the heating from the Sun the same at the Equator and at the Poles?

  • A) Yes, it is
  • B) Yes, they are
  • C) Nary, it isn't
  • D) No, they aren't

Спринт-Ответ: A

20) What size sphere does the heat from the Sun back near the Poles?

  • A) Large
  • B) Minor
  • C) Tiny
  • D) Little

Спринт-Ответ: A

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Where Does the Last Name Osborne Come From

Source: https://sprintotvet.ru/british-bulldog-2021-2022-otvety-7-8-klass.html

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